An above-ground pipeline cutting through a wintery landscape.

Natural Gas Pipeline Projects

State attorneys general are addressing energy infrastructure projects and needs in their states and regions, including advocating for the interests of communities that would be affected by proposed natural gas pipelines. This advocacy has included working at both the state and federal levels including, in particular, at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Under the Natural Gas Act (NGA), a company seeking to build or operate a natural gas pipeline must obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity from FERC to construct and operate the pipeline. FERC must weigh the public interest in deciding whether or not to issue the application. Since 1999, FERC has approved nearly every pipeline project proposed to it.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that federal agencies prepare an environmental impact analysis for major federal actions that may significantly impact the environment. In August 2017, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held that to comply with NEPA, FERC must identify and evaluate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with proposals to build new natural gas infrastructure. However, FERC’s consideration of GHG emissions continues to be a contested issue in applications.

Cross-Cutting Issues

Reforming FERC’s Natural Gas Pipeline Approval Process


  • February 2021

    In February 2021, FERC issued another NOI seeking new information and additional stakeholder perspectives to help the Commission explore whether it should revise its approach for reviewing new natural gas transportation facilities.. In particular, FERC asked additional questions about the disproportionate burdens of FERC programs and policies on environmental justice communities.

  • May 2021

    In May 26, 2021, then Massachusetts AG Maura Healey led a coalition of 9 AGs in comments that highlighted state GHG reduction targets and the burdens these facilities bring to communities. The AGs urged the Commission to craft a policy that examines the cumulative and social impacts of a project’s greenhouse gas emissions, and that does so in the context of “policies and programs that promote or mandate” the necessary transition away from gas, including state and federal reduction targets. The coalition also called for the policy to address environmental and racial justice by considering how new projects will harm environmental justice communities. Nevada AG Aaron Ford also filed comments, cautioning against building unnecessary gas infrastructure.

  • July 2021

    On July 23, 2021, then Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey led a coalition of five AGs (and other advocates and experts) in filing supplemental comments responding to the same notice of inquiry. The coalition addressed the recent decision out of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which vacated a FERC decision finding that the Spire Missouri pipeline was needed. The coalition argued that the decision helped demonstrate that FERC “must update its outdated Certificate Policy Statement in order to ensure rigorous review of whether proposed new interstate natural gas transportation facilities are needed prior to certificating those facilities, including a thorough balancing of public benefits and adverse impacts.”

  • September 2021

    In September 2021, FERC announced that it would hold a technical conference to discuss methods natural gas companies may use to mitigate the effects of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from Natural Gas Act sections 3 and 7 authorizations. An agenda was released in November 2021.

  • November 2021

    In November 2021, FERC held a technical conference about how gas companies can mitigate the effects of direct and indirect GHG emissions resulting from projects.

  • January 2022

    On January 7, 2022, then Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey led a coalition of eight AGs in comments to FERC, urging the agency to assess the climate impacts of pipelines and to consider state climate and clean energy policies in determining if a project’s emissions are significant. The coalition also argued that FERC should take into account the impacts of both emissions and possible mitigation measures for environmental justice communities.

  • February 2022

    On February 17, 2022, FERC announced that it was updating its policies to guide natural gas project certifications under PL 18-1 et al. On February 18, 2022, FERC issued an order stating that it had issued its “interim policy statement to explain how the Commission will assess the impacts of natural gas infrastructure projects on climate change in its reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Natural Gas Act (NGA).” Multiple entities filed motions for rehearing following the order.

  • March 2022

    In March 2022, after facing industry and political pushback, FERC modified its February 2022 policy statements to be draft policies and announced that it would be accepting public comment through April 25, 2022.

  • April 2022

    In April 2022, then Massachusetts AG Maura Healey and then Maryland AG Brian Frosh led a coalition of 12 AGs in comments urging FERC to act to consider state clean energy and climate goals in its pipeline reviews, as well as GHG emissions and impacts on EJ communities. Nevada AG Aaron Ford also filed comments expressing concern about cases where FERC’s failure to adequately review project need has resulted in unused infrastructure.

    On April 12, 2022, FERC issued an order dismissing the requests for rehearing. Since then, dozens of entities have filed comments and letters concerning the policies and a final policy statement remains on hold.


  • December 2017

    In December 2017, Kevin McIntyre, then chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, announced plans for reassessing FERC’s certification process for new natural gas pipelines. The decision was based on the assertion that the industry has changed significantly since the 1999 release of the FERC’s Natural Gas Policy Statement.

  • April 2018

    In April 2018, FERC released a Notice of Inquiry (NOI), soliciting public comments on how the agency determines whether a new natural gas pipeline satisfies the public need standard of the Natural Gas Act.

  • July 2018

    In July 2018, then Massachusetts Attorney General Healey, along with seven other attorneys general, filed comments with FERC on the NOI. The comments raised concerns that the current certification process has led to the approval of natural gas pipelines in excess of what is needed to meet current national peak demand, and that the process fails to account for the cumulative environmental impacts of new pipelines on a regional basis. Then New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed her own comments that adopted the Massachusetts-led comments. Then Attorney General Underwood’s comments stressed the harm that landowners could suffer on the basis of FERC’s current practice of issuing conditional certificates that allow natural gas companies to initiate eminent domain proceedings before states have completed their own environmental reviews of proposed pipelines.

Ending FERC’s Abusive Use of Tolling Orders under the Natural Gas Act

Once a certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued, the private company holding the certificate can use eminent domain to condemn land necessary to construct, operate and maintain the pipeline. Actions to condemn land have been the subject of much litigation (see discussion below of the efforts of the attorneys general of Maryland and New Jersey to oppose condemnation of state-owned land to build natural gas pipelines in their states).

Private landowners who wish to challenge FERC’s issuance of the certificate order must first seek rehearing before the Commission before seeking judicial review in the courts. The Natural Gas Act provides that unless FERC “acts upon the application for rehearing within thirty days after it is filed, such application may be deemed to have been denied.”

For years, FERC has routinely issued tolling orders that have extended for months the congressionally mandated thirty-day statutory limit on FERC’s authority to act on rehearing requests on FERC’s pipeline certification approvals. FERC’s tolling order practice has denied landowners’ access to the courts to challenge the certification approvals, while simultaneously allowing pipeline construction activities – including condemnation of privately-owned land – to proceed.



  • March 2020

    In March 2020, in litigation in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, then Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh led a coalition of 12 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief urging the court to end FERC’s use of tolling orders. The brief noted that FERC’s approach of allowing pipeline construction to proceed, while precluding challengers from securing judicial review, undermined the due process rights of the residents in the 12 jurisdictions. Further, the attorneys general pointed out that FERC’s use of tolling orders outside of the pipeline context, most notably under the Federal Power Act (FPA), injures states where the rehearing requests seek to vindicate states’ sovereign right to adopt and implement important public policies.

  • June 2020

    In June 2020, while litigation in the D.C. Circuit was pending over FERC’s use of tolling orders, FERC issued Order No. 871, which limited certificate holders’ abilities to begin construction while a rehearing request was pending.

  • June 2020

    In June 2020, the D.C. Circuit issued an en banc ruling in favor of the attorneys general. The decision held that FERC’s use of tolling orders is contrary to the language of the NGA. The FPA has identical language about rehearing requests “deemed to have been denied” after thirty days, and within a week, FERC conceded that the decision applies in the FPA context as well.

  • July 2020

    FERC filed a motion to stay the issuance of the mandate in the case by arguing that it needed additional time to bring its NGA and FPA processes in line with the court’s decision. In July 2020, the D.C. Circuit granted a stay until October 5, 2020.

Ensuring States Have Sufficient Time to Review the Impacts of Projects on Water Quality


  • March 2021

    In March 2021, FERC issued a final rule establishing a one-year waiver period, giving states the maximum time allowed under the Clean Water Act.


  • September 2020

    In September 2020, FERC released a proposed rule intended to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) July 2020 rule on water quality certification applications for federally-permitted projects under section 401 of the Clean Water Act in connection with a project for which authorization is sought from FERC under section 3 or 7 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA). Section 401 of the Clean Water Act requires that federally-permitted projects involving discharges into waters of the United States must obtain a certification from the relevant state that the project meets state water quality standards. States are required to act on a state water quality certification request within a “reasonable period of time”—not to exceed one year—or the certification requirement is waived.

    The EPA’s July 2020 section 401 rule imposes a strict limit on the time states have to review water quality certification requests, restricts states’ section 401 review process to pollution discharges from point sources, and prohibits states from considering how a federally permitted project as a whole will impact state water quality. Learn more about EPA’s section 401 rule and the work of attorneys general in opposing the rule here.

    FERC proposed that a state certifying authority waives its authority to issue a water quality certification under section 401 of the Clean Water Act in connection with a NGA section 3 or section 7 project if it has not denied or granted a certification one year after the certifying agency receives the written request for certification.

  • November 2020

    In November 2020, then Maryland Attorney General Frosh led a coalition of 16 attorneys general in submitting comments on FERC’s proposed rule. The comments voiced the states’ strong support for providing state certifying authorities with the maximum amount of time allowed by statute before the section 401 certification authority is waived. It would be difficult for the certifying authority to complete the review with anything less than the maximum review period given the complexity of natural gas pipeline projects. Additionally, the attorneys general noted their concerns with EPA’s underlying section 401 water quality certification rule by including their October 2019 comments on EPA’s proposed section 401 rule and the lawsuit that the attorneys general filed in California federal district court challenging EPA’s final section 401 rule.

Specific Cases

State Climate Laws: Gas Transmission Northwest

In October 2021, Gas Transmission Northwest LLC (GTN) applied to FERC for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under the Natural Gas Act for its proposed expansion of three existing natural gas compressor stations—located in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. If constructed, this project (the GTN Xpress Project) would allow for increased gas supply throughout the Pacific Northwest and West Coast regions of the U.S.

Washington, Oregon, and California have raised concerns that the GTN Xpress Project is unnecessary. They note that the project—which would increase methane gas supply to their states—would conflict with the states’ laws and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. The three states argue that existing customers in their states would subsidize the project. In addition to questioning the need for the project, the states urge FERC to fully analyze and consider the project’s potential GHG emissions, which could exacerbate climate impacts to Washington, Oregon, and California.


  • August 2022

    On August 22, 2022, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson led a coalition of three states in filing a motion to intervene and request that FERC deny the proposed project. The AGs argued that the expansion is against the public interest as three of the four states to be served by the proposal are quickly transitioning off fossil fuels and require reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, not increases which would come from this expanded capacity. The AGs also submitted comments to FERC outlining these and other shortcomings of the draft EIS for the proposal.

    Also on August 22, 2022, the same coalition of states filed joint comments on the draft EIS for the project, arguing that FERC failed to adequately analyze the project’s environmental impacts, including climate impacts and conflicts with state law and national policy, among other things.

  • September 2022

    After the project applicant filed an answer and motion to reject the states’ motion to intervene in September 2022, the coalition filed a joint reply and answer providing further support that their motion was timely and permissible.

  • November 2022

    On November 25, 2022, FERC issued a notice of availability for its final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project.

  • December 2022

    On December 19, 2022, Washington, Oregon, and California filed comments on the final EIS, arguing that FERC both failed to fix the inadequacies detailed in the states’ prior comments and made changes to its prior estimates of the project’s GHG emissions that are unsupported and unlawful.

  • February 2023

    In January 2023, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) issued its interim guidance on analysis of GHG emissions in environmental impact statements, clarifying what is required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Washington, Oregon, and California submitted a supplemental comment letter to FERC in February 2023, noting that CEQ’s guidance confirms the states’ prior comments that FERC’s analysis of the project’s GHG emissions violates NEPA by failing to fully calculate and consider all reasonably foreseeable GHG emissions from the project.

  • May 2023

    In April 2023, FERC issued a data request directing GTN, the project applicant, to address several issues raised by the States in their Motion to Intervene and Protest of the GTN Xpress Project. In May 2023, after GTN filed its response to the Commission’s data request, the States submitted comments on GTN’s response, asserting that GTN failed to meaningfully respond to FERC’s questions and failed to demonstrate that the GTN Xpress Project would not be subsidized by existing customers. GTN filed a supplemental response including the entirety of a market briefing from IHS Markit which it had included excerpts from in its earlier filings (per FERC’s request). On May 31, the States filed comments responding to GTN’s supplemental filing, arguing that GTN mischaracterized the market briefing when it stated in its supplemental response that the briefing demonstrated need for the pipeline expansion. Rather, the States note in their May 31 comments, the market briefing projects falling regional demand for gas and rising regional production, showing that GTN’s proposed expansion is motivated by its desire to increase Canadian production rather than to meet growing need in the Northwest U.S.

  • October 2023

    On October 23, 2023, FERC released its order issuing a certificate for the GTN Xpress Project.

  • November 2023

    On November 22, 2023, Washington AG Ferguson, Oregon AG Rosenblum, and California AG Bonta filed a request for rehearing of FERC’s order issuing a certificate for the GTN Xpress project, urging the Commission to grant rehearing to revisit its approval, arguing that the project does not serve the public need or interest and would harm the States’ consumers as well as their efforts to reduce fossil fuel reliance.

  • December 2023

    On December 6, 2023, the States filed an answer to GTN’s request for clarification, a motion to answer GTN’s request for rehearing, and a supplementation of the states’ November request for rehearing.

    On December 26, 2023, FERC issued a notice of denial of rehearing by operation of law and providing for further consideration.

  • January 2024

    On January 2, 2024, GTN filed a petition for review in the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (Case No. 24-60002).

    On January 4, 2024, Earthjustice, representing Columbia Riverkeeper and Rogue Climate, filed a petition for review in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (Case No. 24-1002).

  • February 2024

    On February 12, 2024, Washington and Oregon filed a petition for review in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (Case No. 24-1025).

    FERC is considering several requests for rehearing, including the States’ request.

Public Convenience and Necessity: Regional Energy Access Expansion

On March 26, 2021, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC (Transco) applied to FERC for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under the Natural Gas Act to construct and operate its Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) pipeline project in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. The project would include approximately 36 miles of new pipelines; a new compressor station; modifications to five existing compressor stations; and the construction of new—and the modification of existing—ancillary facilities and infrastructure. The project would also include the abandonment of less energy efficient compression facilities in all the three states. According to Transco’s filing, the REAE project would benefit the region by promoting reliability, diversifying energy infrastructure, and enhancing the security of natural gas supplies to major delivery points that serve the Northeast.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and Division of Rate Counsel have raised concerns that the project is unnecessary because the State can already meet its reliability goals and demand during the winter months using existing pipelines and infrastructure. As discussed more below, multiple environmental groups have also objected to the project.


  • October 2021

    In October 2021, FERC issued a notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In March of 2022, it issued a draft EIS. Hundreds of public comments were submitted by community members, business owners, Tribal leaders, union members, national and state agencies and government entities, landowners whose properties would be impacted by the project’s construction plans, and others, in response to the draft EIS. Environmental and environmental justice community groups, including Food and Water Watch, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, and the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma also submitted comments.

  • July 2022

    On July 11, 2022, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) and the New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel (Rate Counsel) (collectively, the New Jersey Agencies), filed a motion to intervene out of time and to lodge the BPU order accepting the findings of a recent New Jersey gas pipeline capacity report. The BPU had commissioned London Economics to collect data and create the report while the BPU was conducting a study on New Jersey’s transforming energy systems, the anticipated future role of the State’s domestic natural gas industry, and the State’s ability to meet reliability goals and energy demand during the winter months. The London Economics report found that New Jersey “can easily meet firm demand under 1) normal winter weather conditions, 2) in cases of colder-than-normal weather on a scale experienced in the past, and 3) in the case of a design day” through 2030 using existing pipelines and infrastructure. The BPU accepted the report’s findings.

    On July 29, 2022, after issuing a notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in October 2021 and a draft EIS in March 2022, FERC issued a final EIS.

  • September 2022

    On September 6, 2022, the New Jersey Conservation Foundation (NJCF) submitted a request for an evidentiary hearing. In their request, NJCF explained that the Commission should test the credibility of Transco’s claim that there is a public need for the REAE project, in light of the evidence and data showing that the project would “harm ratepayers, directly contravene New Jersey’s climate laws and public utility orders, and yield no public benefit.” On September 16, Food and Water Watch submitted a motion in favor of NJCF’s request for an evidentiary hearing.

    On September 21, 2022, Transco submitted a response opposing NJCF’s request. Transco explained that the Commission had historically resolved issues raised by opponents of projects in Natural Gas Act (NGA) section 7(c) proceedings based on the filings, not in evidentiary hearings. Transco also stated that a hearing would unnecessarily delay the project; that the final Environmental Impact Statement had already been issued; and that the gas pipeline capacity report discussed by NJCF in their filing should not supersede FERC’s determination of whether the project is or will be required by public convenience and necessity.

  • January 2023

    On January 11, 2023, FERC issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity, authorizing Transco to construct and operate its REAE pipeline project, but stayed the certificate during the rehearing period to allow Transco time to resolve issues concerning property rights with protesting landowners. The Commission discussed the gas pipeline capacity report that was commissioned by the BPU and prepared by London Economics, which had found that New Jersey’s local distribution companies can meet their projected future energy needs using the State’s existing pipeline capacity, and therefore, the new pipeline is not needed. FERC evaluated the study and concluded that the record did not support the study’s findings that there were sufficient non-pipeline alternatives in the State, or that the project was not needed.

    Following FERC’s order, on January 13, Transco filed a notice of acceptance of certificate of public convenience and necessity. On January 17, Transco filed an implementation plan for the project and a motion to lift the stay that had been implemented in FERC’s January 11 order. In its motion, Transco argued that the stay would make it difficult for it to meet the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s construction window requiring that tree felling take place between November 16 and March 31, 2023. Transco further argued that if it is not able to complete necessary tree felling by March 31, then a hardship would be created for Transco, other companies involved in the REAE project, and the public, because the pipeline would not be able to be constructed and put into use in time for the 2023-2024 heating season.

  • February 2023

    On February 10, 2023, Delaware Riverkeeper, Food & Water Watch and Sierra Club, and the New Jersey Conservation Foundation filed requests for rehearing of FERC’s January 11 order issuing a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the REAE Project.

    The New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel filed comments supporting the New Jersey Conservation Foundation’s request for rehearing. Rate Counsel emphasized that FERC had “misconstrued the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities’ findings that New Jersey does in fact have sufficient natural gas capacity without the REAE Project because it failed to accord the BPU-commissioned London Economics Institute capacity study appropriate weight.” Rate Counsel stressed that even though New Jersey gas utilities are not required to implement non-pipeline alternatives to reduce natural gas demand, the state “has imposed a statutory duty on its natural gas utilities to reduce their demand by 1.1% by 2026, with additional reductions expected in future years,” which is a fact that the Commission failed to acknowledge or address in its order. According to Rate Counsel, this statutory duty, along with guidance from the State’s Board of Public Utilities, “will further lessen the need for the REAE Project in New Jersey going forward.”

    Additionally, on February 10, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and Rate Counsel filed a motion requesting that FERC clarify or correct the statements it made in its January 11 order concerning the London Economics report and natural gas measures in New Jersey. BPU and Rate Counsel argued that the statements were misinterpretations of the evidence that had been provided to the Commission. They also requested that FERC “clarify that nothing in the Certificate Order is intended to interfere with [BPU’s] authority to review the prudency of New Jersey Local Distribution Companies’ (“LDCs”) decisions to subscribe to Regional Energy Access Expansion (“REAE”) project capacity.”

    On February 15, FERC issued an order lifting the stay which had been put in place by the Commission on January 11 when it issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity. Also on February 15, Transco filed a request for notice to proceed with tree felling activities with FERC. In its request, Transco sought to begin tree-felling activities across over 200 acres of land in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, so it could begin constructing the pipeline, compressor stations, and related infrastructure that make up the REAE project.

  • March 2023

    On March 16, FERC issued a notice authorizing Transco to proceed with tree-felling activities, in accordance with the parameters outlined in Transco’s January 17 implementation plan, and its supplemental filings.

    On March 17, FERC issued an order on rehearing and denying the New Jersey Conservation Foundation (“NJCF”) and Sierra Club’s separate February 10 motions for stay of the Certificate Order. (FERC had issued a notice of denial of rehearing by operation of law on March 13.)

    The Commission states that it reviewed the record evidence and in Delaware Riverkeeper, Food & Water Watch and Sierra Club, and the New Jersey Conservation Foundation’s requests for rehearing–including the various scientific and environmental studies at issue–and concluded that the project is required by the public convenience and necessity. Accordingly, FERC denied the requests for rehearing.

    Additionally, FERC granted the BPU and Rate Counsel’s motion for clarification. It explained that the Commission has jurisdiction to determine whether a proposed project is required by public convenience and necessity. FERC clarified that in its January 11 order, it had acknowledged the London Economics study’s findings and the State’s policies, but explained that these do not supplant FERC’s jurisdiction. The Commission also clarified that it “did not intend to—and [has] no authority to—constrain the state’s review of the prudency of purchases by New Jersey LDCs,” which is a matter that is “best left to state regulators.” On this point, FERC further explained that its “findings under the NGA regarding whether the project is required by the public convenience and necessity do not preclude New Jersey, or any other state, from undertaking an after-the-fact prudency review of any purchase agreement by an LDC, consistent with the state’s jurisdiction.”

    Finally, FERC denied the NJCF and Sierra Club’s motions for stay. First, Sierra Club had requested that the Commission stay the Certificate Order pending the issuance of an order on rehearing. Here, the Commission denied Sierra Club’s motion as moot. Second, NJCF had asked FERC to stay the Certificate Order because the project’s construction would cause “irreparable injury” to a landowner and to various intervenors. In denying NJCF’s request, FERC explained that it had included “protective conditions in the Certificate Order and the final Environmental Impact Statement […] to mitigate construction impacts on landowner property.” FERC also noted that Transco’s construction plans and the Commission’s mitigation measures “would not have a significant impact on soil erosion, water quality, vegetation, surface waters, wetlands, fisheries, or wildlife.” After concluding that NJCF had failed to show how the mitigation measures would be insufficient to prevent irreparable harm, FERC found that justice did not require a stay, and denied NJCF’s motion.

    On March 20, the NJCF filed a petition for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (Case No. 23-1064). The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund and the Aquashicola Pohopoco Watershed Conservancy were also included as petitioners on NJCF’s filing.

    On March 20, the NJCF filed a petition for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (Case No. 23-1064). The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, the Aquashicola Pohopoco Watershed Conservancy, and one affected landowner joined the petition. These petitioners sought review of FERC’s January 11 certificate order and its March 13 notice of denial of rehearing by operation of law. The same petitioners filed a second petition for review (Case No. 23-1074) on March 23, seeking review of FERC’s March 17 order on rehearing. An additional petition for review was filed by Delaware Riverkeeper on March 22 (Case No. 23-1077), seeking review of the same orders listed in NJCF’s March 20 petition.

    On March 22, Delaware Riverkeeper filed a motion to stay FERC’s January 11 certificate order pending judicial review, and also opposed Transco’s March 16 request to proceed with full construction of the REAE project.

    On March 23, FERC issued a notice approving Transco’s request to proceed with construction of all components of the REAE project.

    On March 24, Transco filed a response to the motion to stay, arguing that a stay would make it impossible for Transco to meet its construction schedule, thereby rendering REAE unable to be put into service in time for the 2023-2024 heating season.

    On March 28, NJCF filed a request for rehearing of FERC’s March 16 notice authorizing Transco to proceed with tree-felling activities, and its March 23 notice authorizing Transco to proceed with construction of all components of the REAE project. Delaware Riverkeeper also filed a request for rehearing on March 30, seeking review of the same two items.

  • May 2023

    On May 1, 2023, FERC issued an order on rehearing and stay requests where it denied the Delaware Riverkeeper Network and the New Jersey Conservation Foundation’s requests for rehearing and their motions to stay the certificate order and the notices to proceed with construction operations, pending judicial review of the certificate orders.

  • August 2023

    On August 9, New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson led eight attorneys general in filing an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit supporting petitioners challenging FERC’s approval of the REAE project in New Jersey Conservation Foundation, et. al. v. FERC. The AGs argued that FERC violated the Administrative Procedure Act, Natural Gas Act, and FERC’s own regulations when it failed to consider state climate goals, environmental and health risks of methane, and state clean energy laws before erroneously concluding that the project was in the public need and interest.

Pipelines on State Land: PennEast


  • February 2021

    The Supreme Court granted the petition for certiorari, agreeing to consider the case and was set for argument in April 2021. In March, AG Grewal filed a brief arguing that a private party, such as PennEast, could not file a lawsuit to condemn state late against a nonconsenting state in federal court. In April, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum led a coalition of 19 AGs in a brief in support of New Jersey.

  • June 2021

    The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Third Circuit, finding in favor of PennEast that it was allowed to exercise federal eminent domain authority under the Natural Gas Act to take state land.


  • May 2018

    In May 2018, then New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal filed a petition for review of FERC’s certificate of public necessity for the PennEast natural gas pipeline. The PennEast pipeline is expected to cost $1 billion and would carry natural gas for 120 miles. The petition asserted that FERC’s certificate order was arbitrary and capricious because it relied on insufficient data on the environmental impact of the pipeline, and did not properly attempt to mitigate environmental impacts associated with the pipeline. This case is being held in abeyance pending the outcome of the Supreme Court case described below.

  • December 2018

    In December 2018, the federal district court in New Jersey granted PennEast’s notice of condemnation to take, through the federal government’s power of eminent domain, privately-owned property and state-preserved land for use in constructing, operating and maintaining the PennEast pipeline. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution provides the federal government the authority to take private property for “public use,” if the federal government provides “just compensation” to the property owners. The federal district court judge held that PennEast, armed with the FERC certificate of public necessity, was vested with the federal government’s eminent domain powers and could immediately possess the state-preserved land for the “public use” of constructing, maintaining and operating the pipeline; the issue of “just compensation” would be dealt with later.

  • January 2019

    In January 2019, then New Jersey Attorney General Grewal appealed the district court’s decision to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Then Attorney General Grewal noted that New Jersey is entitled to sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution and thus the district court did not properly have jurisdiction to hear PennEast’s notice of condemnation.

  • March 2019

    In March 2019, the Third Circuit sided with then Attorney General Grewal in issuing a preliminary injunction that prohibits PennEast from proceeding to take the state-preserved land or begin physical construction of the pipeline as litigation continues over whether the company can take the state-preserved land.

  • April 2019

    In April 2019, then New Jersey Attorney General Grewal filed the state’s merits brief in the Third Circuit action challenging the district court ruling that allows PennEast to possess the state-preserved land to construct the pipeline. The brief noted that New Jersey’s sovereign immunity prohibits PennEast from condemning the state’s property as the federal government cannot delegate its exemption from state sovereign immunity to a private party.

  • September 2019

    In September 2019, the Third Circuit sided with then New Jersey Attorney General Grewal in vacating the district court’s decision. The court held that New Jersey’s sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution barred PennEast’s attempt to extend the federal government’s eminent domain powers to condemn state land to build the pipeline.

  • November 2019

    In November 2019, the Third Circuit denied PennEast’s en banc rehearing request.

  • January 2020

    In addition to seeking rehearing from the Third Circuit, PennEast asked FERC to weigh in. And in January 2020, FERC granted PennEast’s petition for declaratory order. In a split decision, FERC disagreed with the Third Circuit, asserting that a certificate holder’s right to exercise eminent domain authority under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) is not limited.

  • February 2020

    In February 2020, PennEast filed a petition with the Supreme Court to review the Third Circuit’s decision. Then New Jersey Attorney General Grewal, in June 2020, filed a brief in opposition to the Supreme Court reviewing the Third Circuit’s decision. Then Attorney General Grewal noted that the petition for writ of certiorari should be denied because the Third Circuit’s decision was well reasoned and there is no split among the courts of appeals on the issue.

  • December 2020

    In December 2020, the Trump administration filed an amicus brief on behalf of the United States, urging that the Supreme Court grant the petition and review the Third Circuit’s decision. The brief claimed that the appeals court decision was incorrect and warranted review. AG Grewal filed a supplemental brief responding to the jurisdictional arguments made in the government’s brief.

Pipelines on State Land: Columbia Gas


  • May 2022

    In May 2022, the Fourth Circuit vacated the August 2019 order and remanded the case to the district court.

  • December 2022

    The court denied Maryland’s motion to dismiss on sovereign immunity grounds, and Maryland appealed to the Fourth Circuit in January 2023 (Case No. 23-1069).


  • May 2019

    In May 2019, Columbia Gas filed a complaint in federal district court in Maryland to condemn state land in order to construct a natural gas pipeline. The lawsuit asserted that FERC’s certificate of public necessity for the project provides Columbia Gas the authority to exercise the federal power of eminent domain to condemn the state land, a rails-to-trail bike path. The following month, then Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh filed a motion to dismiss Columbia Gas’ complaint. The motion noted that the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution bars federal jurisdiction over suits by any private citizens against a state and that Columbia Gas’s action does not satisfy any of the three exceptions to the Eleventh Amendment’s bar to suits.

  • August 2019

    In August 2019, the court granted then Maryland Attorney General Frosh’s motion to dismiss the complaint filed by Columbia Gas. The court found that although Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval conferred eminent domain authority to Columbia Gas to condemn land for its project, the Eleventh Amendment prohibits a private company from exercising eminent domain against a state in federal court. Columbia Gas filed an appeal.

GHG Emissions: Ostego 2000


  • May 2018

    FERC announced in a May 2018 rehearing denial that it would no longer evaluate upstream and downstream GHG emissions from new natural gas infrastructure.

  • July 2018

    Then New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood, in July 2018, filed comments with FERC opposed to the newly announced policy. The comments noted that adopting a major policy change through denying a request for a rehearing made it virtually impossible for interested parties to challenge the new policy, as only the party that had requested the rehearing could seek judicial review of the order. New York argued that the rehearing denial was also substantively flawed as federal courts have repeatedly held that the impact of GHG emissions associated with new natural gas infrastructure must be analyzed under NEPA.

  • December 2018

    In December 2018, then New York Attorney General Underwood led a coalition of seven attorneys general in filing an amicus brief in support of litigation in the D.C. Circuit brought by a local environmental group in New York challenging the 2018 rehearing denial. The brief noted that FERC violated NEPA by refusing to evaluate the project’s “reasonably foreseeable” upstream and downstream impacts on GHG emissions that would result from the burning of natural gas that would be transported by the project. Further, FERC’s order on the rehearing is contrary to the D.C. Circuit’s August 2017 ruling that FERC must identify and evaluate GHG emissions associated with proposals to build new natural gas infrastructure. Lastly, the brief noted that FERC improperly announced its new policy in an adjudicatory proceeding despite the pendency of an administrative inquiry on the same matter as FERC is seeking comments on its 1999 policy statement on how it evaluates applications to construct and operate new natural gas projects.

  • May 2019

    In May 2019, after oral arguments were heard in the litigation, the D.C. Circuit dismissed the lawsuit brought by a local environmental group challenging the 2018 rehearing denial. The D.C. Circuit found that the local environmental organization could not satisfy the Constitution’s standing requirement. The organization had not alleged an informational injury in its filings with the court and could not advance a claim that it had suffered an organizational harm beyond resources spent litigating the rehearing denial.

  • June 2019

    Insisting that it had established standing, the local environmental group the following month filed a petition to have the D.C. Circuit rehear its claim or to have the D.C. Circuit rehear the case en banc.

  • July 2019

    In July 2019, the D.C. Circuit denied the local environmental group’s petition for the panel or the court to rehear the group’s claim.

State Water Quality Certification: Constitution Pipeline


  • January 2022

    In January 2022, the Second Circuit dismissed the case and vacated FERC’s underlying orders.


The New York Attorney General successfully represented the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) before a Second Circuit Court of Appeals challenge to NYSDEC’s denial of a state water quality certification under section 401 of the Clean Water Act for the proposed natural gas Constitution Pipeline. Construction of the 100-mile pipeline would have impacted more than 250 streams and more than 80 acres of wetlands.

  • January 2018

    In January 2018, Constitution Pipeline Company filed a petition with the Supreme Court to review the Second Circuit’s decision. The New York Attorney General opposed the request for cert, noting in the brief that the case did not raise any major jurisdictional issues. Additionally, the New York Attorney General defended NYSDEC’s denial of the requested water quality certification based on Constitution’s refusal to provide information about how it would minimize adverse water quality impacts. In April 2018, the Supreme Court agreed with the New York Attorney General and denied cert.

  • January 2018

    Similarly, Constitution attempted to secure a declaratory order from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that NYSDEC had waived its authority to deny a water quality certification for the project based on the argument that NYSDEC failed to act within the statute’s time limit. In January 2018, FERC denied the request for a declaratory order, ruling that NYSDEC had acted within the statute’s time frame.

  • July 2018

    In July 2018, FERC subsequently rejected Constitution’s request for a rehearing for the same reason. Undeterred, Constitution filed a petition for review of FERC’s denial of the rehearing request with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

  • February 2019

    In February 2019, the D.C. Circuit granted FERC’s request to remand the case to the Commission in light of the D.C. Circuit’s recent decision in a separate, but similar case.

  • August 2019

    In August 2019, FERC denied NYSDEC’s motion to stay construction of the Constitution pipeline. Relying on the D.C. Circuit’s recent decision in Hoopa Valley Tribe v. FERC (see “California” on the Hydropower Projects page), FERC determined that NYSDEC’s denial of the state water certificate fell outside the one-year decision timeline outlined in the Clean Water Act. Thus, NYSDEC had waived its authority under section 401 of the Clean Water Act to issue or deny a water quality certification for the project. In December 2019, FERC denied a request for rehearing of the August 2019 denial, affirming its finding that NYSDEC had waived its section 401 authority to issue or deny a water quality certification. That same month NYSDEC filed a petition for review with the Second Circuit, seeking to set aside as unlawful, unreasonable and arbitrary and capricious FERC’s August 2019 order and December 2019 denial of NYSDEC’s rehearing request.

  • February 2020

    In February 2020, plans for Constitution Pipeline were canceled amid concerns from the project’s partners and investors about economic feasibility.

  • April 2020

    In April 2020, the Second Circuit granted NYSDEC’s motion to hold the appeal in abeyance until FERC’s certificate for the pipeline expires in December 2020.

Future of Gas: Massachusetts


  • June 2020

    In June 2020, then Massachusetts Attorney General Healey filed a petition with the state’s Department of Public Utilities (DPU) requesting it open an investigation into the future of the natural gas industry as Massachusetts transitions away from fossil fuels toward a clean energy future. In the petition, then Attorney General Healey recognized that sizable reductions in the heating sector’s use of fossil fuels will be necessary to achieve Massachusetts’s legally binding statewide limit of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This decline in fossil fuel demand will have significant impacts on gas distribution companies and will require them to make significant changes to their planning processes and business models that will directly affect ratepayers. Then Attorney General Healey therefore urged the DPU to work with stakeholders to develop a regulatory and policy roadmap that protects customers and ensures an equitable and fair transition away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy.

  • October 2020

    In October, the DPU opened an investigation into the role of gasdistribution utilities in the state’s energy future and the achievement of Massachusestts’s 2050 climate goals. The attorney general and others filed substantive comments in the docket.