Insights by State Impact Center

The State Energy & Environmental Impact Center at the NYU School of Law is an independent non-partisan academic center dedicated to the study and support of state attorneys general in their work defending and promoting clean energy, climate and environmental laws and policies.

  • Trackers Illustrations of plastic water bottles, recycling arrows, smokestacks, gavels, justice scales, and plastic bags in various greens, blues, and yellows, displayed in a pattern across a white background.

    Plastics Litigation Tracker

    Updated July 2, 2024

    The Plastics Litigation Tracker tracks cases addressing plastics across federal and state courts, including resolved and pending cases. The tracker will be updated as cases are resolved and new cases are filed.

  • Trackers A transmission tower in front of an orange sky; a flock of birds flies past; a snippet of text from FERC's Building for the Future NOPR; the State Impact Center logo.

    Tracking Transmission Reform

    Updated June 12, 2024

    Transmission planning needs to change to support a clean, affordable, and equitable grid. Hear from state AGs on why transmission reform is a critical aspect of climate response, get background on how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is approaching its overhaul to the process, and stay up to date on how AGs are getting involved.

  • Trackers A soft pink, blue, and navy illustration of a lightbulb overlaid on an illustration of wind turbines sprawled out across a hilly landscape

    AG Actions Database

    Updated June 11, 2024
    This database tracks actions of regional and national significance taken by state AGs to advance clean energy, climate and environmental laws and policies since 2017. The database is updated on a monthly basis.

  • Projects Library books on a bookshelf

    Energy Law Resource Library

    Updated June 4, 2024

    The Energy Law Resource Library is a collection of educational resources from the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center and other organizations help you in your energy law practice. This page will be continually updated with new resources.

  • Blog A botanical-inspired illustration of a woman sitting in a hammock reading a book with the State Impact Center logo on it

    Vacation Mode: Unlocked

    It’s that time of year! The temperature is heating up, schedules are simmering down (hah!), and your long summer afternoons are just waiting to be filled with ways to learn about the latest climate, clean energy, and environmental topics. We’ve got you covered with reading, listening, and watching recommendations for your summer!

  • Blog A glass globe sits on a table in a modern office; the globe depicts a green, nature-filled city.

    Empowering Consumers, Encouraging Competition, Yet…Eliciting Claims of Antitrust Violations?

    ESG has been all over the news lately as companies consider how to empower consumers to make informed choices. Recently, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser spoke out against efforts to put a stop to these “pro-competitive, pro-consumer” practices.

  • Projects State Impact Center logo

    Supporting State Commissions: Senior Advisor Program

    Launched December 1, 2023

    This nonpartisan Senior Advisor Program builds capacity at state public utility commissions by supporting relationships between current public utility commissioners and experienced former commissioners. The participating commissioners drive this flexible program, allowing them to focus on addressing their most pressing needs and challenges.

  • Trackers Rows of squares in various shades of blue, green, and yellow

    AGs Advancing State and National Environmental Protections: An Overview of Current Actions

    This resource is focused on AG involvement in litigation and regulatory matters advancing climate, environmental justice, environmental protection, and clean energy. It tracks the status of active cases and regulatory matters; describes AG engagement; and, where possible, flags what to expect as these matters progress.

  • Trackers An illustration of a court house with four columns; the spaces between the three columns show, from left to right, water, land, and sky.

    2021 and Beyond: Environment & Energy Cases Involving the Biden Administration

    Updated December 8, 2023
    This tracker col­lects court deci­sions on chal­lenges to fed­er­al actions relat­ed to ener­gy and the envi­ron­ment dur­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. It will be updat­ed as new cases are brought and new deci­sions are released.

  • Projects Two aerial shots; one of an intersection in a city, the other of a winding interstate system.

    Expanding AG EJ Practice — A Resource

    Updated July 26, 2023

    This resource gives an overview of environmental justice and provides guidance for AG offices looking to set up or expand their work in the EJ practice area. It highlights influential moments in EJ history, provides a look into state mapping tools, identifies current federal and state EJ policies, and tracks EJ updates in the media.

  • Trackers A pie chart with two sections: a larger, teal green section labeled 73.6%, and a smaller dark pink section labeled 26.4%

    Tracking Pro-Environmental Federal Litigation by AGs

    Updated April 6, 2023

    This resource tracks pro-envi­ron­men­tal lit­i­ga­tion brought by AGs dur­ing the Biden and Trump admin­is­tra­tions, breaking down the wins & losses during each administration. The tracker will be updated as pending cases are resolved and new cases are brought.

  • Blog White chalky depictions of stock index charts are overlaid on a posterized illustration of planet earth in rich hues of blue and green.

    Year In Review: 2022 at the State Impact Center

    Take a look back at 2022 at the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center.