Insights by State Impact Center

The State Energy & Environmental Impact Center at the NYU School of Law is an independent non-partisan academic center dedicated to the study and support of state attorneys general in their work defending and promoting clean energy, climate and environmental laws and policies.

  • Reports Smoke billowing out of a smokestack at a power plant into an ominous-looking sky

    Climate & Health Showdown in the Courts

    State attorneys general have bee vigorously fighting against the Trump administration’s attempts to replace existing rules that require greenhouse gas emissions reductions with new rules that unlawfully and harmfully negate those reductions.

  • Projects A close-up view of a silver water faucet with clear water streaming out of it.

    PFAS Federal Legislation in the 116th Congress

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are bioaccumulative and environmentally persistent, have been widely used in commercial applications since the 1950s, and have been linked to a series of human health harms. The widespread public exposure to dangerous levels of chemicals in drinking water and other potential pathways has triggered significant concern in Congress.

  • Reports A collage of images depicting: a power plant, a solar panel, a light bulb, an offshore oil rig.

    State Attorneys General: 13 Months of Critical Actions

    State attorneys general have focused their at least 80 actions – from letters and comments to complaints and amicus briefs on areas ranging such as air and water pollution, toxics, clean energy, climate impacts, federal lands, regulatory reform, and more.