Press Release

Media Advisory: David J. Hayes to Join California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan on Press Call for Clean Car Standards

State Energy & Environmental Impact Center Executive Director David J. Hayes will join a press call on Clean Car Standards hosted by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, also featuring Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

TODAY — State Energy & Environmental Impact Center Executive Director David J. Hayes will join a press call on Clean Car Standards hosted by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and also featuring Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

The call comes just days before the comment period closes for a joint proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety to roll back Clean Car Standards (the so-called SAFE Vehicles Proposed Rule). The comment period closes on Friday, October 26th.

David J. Hayes will focus his remarks on the public health impacts of the Trump administration’s anti-environmental agenda, with a specific emphasis on how the attack on Clean Cars Standards and other environmental regulations negatively impacts vulnerable environmental justice communities.

AG Becerra will provide facts that have informed the California-led multistate coalition’s comment letter to the federal government (to be filed this week) and speak to the role the rule plays in moving the nation towards energy independence and environmental justice while tackling climate change.

WHAT: Press Call on Clean Car Standards
WHEN: TODAY, Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 11:30 AM PT / 2:30 PT

Dial-in for Reporters:
Phone Number: (800) 230-1059
Call Name: AG Clean Car Press Call
RSVP: To RSVP, please email [email protected].


About the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center:
The State Energy & Environmental Impact Center at NYU School of Law is a nonpartisan academic center at NYU School of Law. The Center is dedicated to working towards a healthy and safe environment, guided by inclusive and equitable principles. The Center studies and supports the work of state attorneys general (AGs) in defending, enforcing, and promoting strong laws and policies in the areas of climate, environmental justice, environmental protection, and clean energy.