Wisconsin AG Announced Settlement with CAFO over Violation of Wastewater Laws

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul announced that a county judge issued an order requiring Phil Mlsna and Mlsna Dairy Supply, Inc. to pay $209,641.47 for violations of Wisconsin’s wastewater laws at the concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) they operate. The defendants’ required Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for the CAFO expired in 2015. The defendants continued to operate their CAFO without a permit until the State filed this case in July 2022. After the State filed the case, the defendants requested a permit, which was granted effective September 1, 2023. The defendants also constructed a sand separation system without plans and specifications approved by Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources. The defendants were found liable for all 2,501 days on which the State maintained that they violated Wisconsin’s wastewater laws.