New York AG Filed Lawsuit against Incineration Facility for Hazardous Air Pollution

On October 11, 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James, along with the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), filed a lawsuit against Norlite, a hazardous waste incineration facility, for endangering nearby communities by emitting illegal levels of contaminants, such as particulate matter and crystalline silica. According to the press release, “DEC’s enforcement actions include multiple consent orders and penalties against Norlite dating back to 1990, and New York state will continue to closely monitor the facility, collect additional data, and hold the facility accountable for any and all violations that occur during this legal process.”

On November 11, 2022 AG James and the DEC filed a motion for preliminary injunction against Norlite, asking the court to require the company to stop its operations and cease harmful emissions.

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