Eleven AGs Sent Comments Calling on EPA to Fully Consider Effects of Ethylene Oxide, Especially on EJ Communities

New York Attorney General Letitia James led a coalition of 11 attorneys general in sending comments responding to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Proposed Interim Decision and draft risk assessment for ethylene oxide as a sterilant, which is regulated as an antimicrobial pesticide under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The AGs argued that EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision and draft risk assessment failed to meet the requirements of FIFRA because the agency understated the risk of ethylene oxide in its review and proposed mitigation measures that were inadequate. The AGs called on EPA to revise the assessment and decision accordingly. Specifically, the AGs urged EPA to perform an environmental justice review and fully consider the effects ethylene oxide has on workers in facilities that use the pesticide, as well as nearby communities.