District of Columbia AG Filed Lawsuit against Chemical Companies, Including 3M and DuPont, over PFAS Manufacturing

District of Columbia Attorney General Brian Schwalb filed a lawsuit against over 25 chemical manufacturing companies, including 3M and DuPont, over the manufacturing of manufacturing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)—also known as “forever chemicals”—that caused harm to D.C. residents and natural resources. According to the lawsuit, the companies were aware of the dangers posed by PFAS, yet continued to manufacture their products anyway, falsely marketing them as safe. In a statement, AG Schwalb said, “Compounding their illegal conduct, these companies for decades misled the public about the health and safety threats they knew their products posed. The District and its residents will be forced to deal with the adverse impacts of these ‘forever chemicals’ for years to come. Through this lawsuit, we will hold polluters accountable for the damage their conduct has caused and will continue to cause.”